I’m mainly talking about these new “but they’re different” games, that have gotten so fucking popular, lately.

“Honky Stair Rail” and “Genshin Implants” or whatever the fuck they’re called.

I don’t care if you can play them without spending any money. I don’t care if they’re any good. None of that matters. The whole model of the game being funded by whales, spending money on in-game items and currency IS LITERALLY EVIL.

There is no way to do it ethically. That is an impossibility, on a fundamental level. There is no excuse for anyone to give these so-called developers and publishers ANY amount of money, attention, or engagement.

The only acceptable way to pay for a game as a service is a traditional MMO subscription, where you pay a flat rate per month/year to access 100 percent of a game’s available gameplay.

I don’t care what your excuse is. I don’t care that you like anime tits and ass. I don’t care if you think your chosen free-to-pay game is different. It’s not.

Stop supporting this shit. Support real games.

A couple of years ago, I would have considered this to be a popular opinion, but about 35-40 percent of the internet posts I see in 2024 are related to either “Honky Stair Rail” or “Genshin Implants,” and it’s starting to freak me the fuck out.

  • Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Seethe? If I sound angry you’ve misinterpreted my tone. This is more like apathetic resignation in the face of some facts. You’re informing a niche audience while the majority of consumers supporting the thing you’re against aren’t here and couldn’t give a fuck. If you actually intend to put a stop to this you’re gonna need a bigger more motivated audience.

    Its like the naivety I would see on reddit when they would slap “dont preorder” posts everywhere. It doesn’t do shit in an echo chamber, the people doing most of the preordering weren’t actively visiting gaming subreddits.

    You like to make a lot of assumptions too. I’m actually with you in a sense - I’ve never paid for an MTX in any game, ever. Cell phone games I’ve tried are a disappointing waste. I used to be you, trying to inform people, but the average person just does not give a fuck. Ive been telling people to ditch Facebook for 15 years. Told them to get rid of google for the past decade. Tried to get them to ditch purchases of licenses that prevent actual ownership of goods. Its like trying to sweep the ocean back from the coast. Like, good luck, I truly hope you succeed, but the reality is a little too obvious.