I’m looking for a Todoist alternative due to their limit on projects. I have a very specific set of requirements though:
- Must have similar interface/style to Todoist - simple, elegant.
- Integrates or shows calendar interface. Whether it integrates with Google Calendar or has it’s own is fine.
- Provides karma or achievement points when tasks are completed to act as a motivator for completing tasks.
- Can import from Todoist and TickTick but also general CSV files.
- Cross platform - must work on mobile and either have a website for use on other platforms or an app for Linux and Windows.
I’ve tried so far:
- ClickUp - WAY overcomplicated for what I need. It’s like Jira with a slicker interface. For basic todos it’s overkill. It also doesn’t motivate you to compelte tasks.
- Flowlu - it seems to have stopped developing. E.g. the profile section has a field for Skype which died yonks ago. Also no motivator/karma points for completing tasks and it’s only slightly less complex than ClickUp. Though this has so far been closest to meeting my needs as it has a MindMaps feature which I LOVE.
- TickTick - same problem as Todoist in that it limits the number of projects which means it has all the same issues as Todoist.
- Any.do - Charges for basics like re-curring tasks which is silly.
Nice to haves - MindMap integration
Any suggesstions are very much appreciated. Thank you. :)
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