How do I exit vim?
Restart the computer ;)
When he logs out the NPCs around him only then realise they might be NPCs and start freaking out, hoping that they too can log out. Because if they can’t then they’re not real…
That’s why in Star Trek the holographic NPCs were programmed to not find this odd. Same when the program took place on Earth in the 20th century, they saw alien species like Klingons as humans.
Do you see any people around who seem to have unlocked the infinite money cheat?
If I had the superpower of teleportation, I would do this all day. Watching the ensuing chaos from a rooftop chuckling to myself.
Is the joke that the universe is a simulation and we are like users or something like that? Or at least the guy that managed to log out from the universe.
He was the only player, the rest of them are NPCs.
I don’t understand
Imagine you’re walking along and someone near you says what the dude in panel one says, then disappears. Pretty sure you’d have doubts about your own reality.
The people in panel 2,3,4 fear they might not be real and just NPCs.
I feel like having the capacity to question your own nature of existence sort of proves the existence to begin with. So if the fear is genuine, they too are genuine. Whether they are in a simulation is still debatable
I think, therefore I am.
I think I think, therefore I think I am…
I think I think therefore I am therefore I think therefore I am… I think?