and no one irl even has the decency to agree with me because it’s so fucking drilled into the culture that these fucking BuNsInNesSes have a Right to do this because it’s a bSUsniEss. like oh yeah they have an office building so they definitely get to analyze my piss because they say they want to. sick fucking freaks.

preaching to the choir a bit on lemmy (or i would hope so at least) but still

    1 year ago

    The worker’s comp drug tests are such a disgusting example of late stage capitalism.

    Imagine that you made a lot of money and lived comfortably off of the hard work of others. Then when one of those others got hurt while making money for you, you go out of your way to make sure you don’t have to help them cover the medical costs. Also, you take their only source of income away from them so they couldn’t even cover it themselves if they wanted to.

    I can’t imagine being that heartless, and its literally just standard pretty much everywhere in the US. It is very saddening.

    • Alien Nathan
      1 year ago

      This is the intersection of two elements of our culture:

      1. everyone must always do everything they can to make as much money as possible regardless of the consequences

      2. if someone uses drugs, they’re not a person anymore and it’s okay to hurt them as much as is within your power