…that’s right, it goes in the square hole.
I could have sworn the original had better than 240p quality…
Oh it totally can be, this is the result of a 5 seconds search, haha.
That’s just the internet mold eating at the tubes.
America is part of the world.
Checkmate, earthists.
They sure as hell don’t act like it though
ITT Europeans once again acting like American politics don’t affect them in any way.
Anyone else think it’s funny that Britain got Boris around the same time America got trump?
Just because we have a huge cultural effect doesn’t mean europeans want to be drowned out by our issues, some relatable and some unique.
I can only inagine how sick of hearing his name europeans are, I’ve been sick of it since 2015 and I’m American. Honestly at this point I just want to go one whole day without hearing his fucking name. I can’t think of one other person that applies to in politics, celebrities, anything.
Honestly I’m more sick of hearing of Musk by now. At least with Trump there’s a sadistic part to me that keeps wondering how low reps can go, but with Musk, I’m just sick of him. I don’t care about his little tantrums at all and every little shit gets hundreds of upvotes.