Do you have any antivirus recomendations for Linux.
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ESET Endpont Antivirus for Linux
I haven’t used on-access scanning for years but I remember Dazuko was used by multiple AV devs to provide it.
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I have clamav installed, can I disable livescan? I use it mainly for data I will transfer to windows computers to make sure it’s safe
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Avast! runs on Linux.
Personally I prefer to just avoid clicking on dodgy links. In the last 5 years I haven’t found any viruses. YMMV
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I don’t understand why we keep telling new users that it is useless to use an antivirus on Linux. For people with computer knowledge, sure. However more widespread Linux adoption will mean more casual users will start using it. Most of them don’t have the “common sense” that is often mentioned ; these users will eventually fall for scams that tell them to run programs attached in emails or random bash scripts from the internet. The possibility is small, but it’s not zero, so why not protect against it?
Because snake oil is not helping, or a working substitute.
Security is a process, not a solution.
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The problem with AV s/w in my experience, is that they do not work very well, and hinder the system’s functioning, because they provide duplicate behaviour of existing solutions and compete with them directly.
In one instance I discovered McAfee to disable write access to /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} effectively disabling a user to change their password. While SELinux will properly handle that by limiting processes, instead of creating a process that would make sure those files aren’t modified by anyone.
People need to understand Linux comes pre-equipped with all the necessary tools and bolts to protect their systems. They just don’t all live in the same GUI, because of the real complexity involved with malware…
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