Trying to de-google and looking for an alternative to Gmail.
Don’t mind if it’s a paid service if it’s robust.
Been using tutanota for a while. Never had a single problem with it
Proton Mail and Tutanota are great free options.
- Tutanota
- Protonmail
- Runbox
- Fastmail
I would recommend either Mailbox or Posteo simply because they cost 1€/m. For email I find that anything more than like $2 is a waste of money, but that is my opinion.
Both Tutanota and Protonmail offer freemium versions of their services.
I’m surprised nobody has mentioned PurelyMail. Its technically in beta, but I’ve been using it without issue since the beginning of this year (2023).
I just started using purelymail with my own domain this week and its been good so far! Very happy to de-google a bit
Fastmail is great and has very fast user interface and lots of nice features, such as email address aliases you can create with a button click or integrate it with Bitwarden etc.
It costs money though, just so you know if you want “free” (nothing is really free).