What if it wants to lay eggs in you though? I’ve seen enough bot fly videos. I don’t want to experience that.
I assumed we were talking about common houseflies.
How could I possibly know that?!? I’m no entomologist. That fucking fly wants to eat me from the inside out.
After seeing how quickly they can lay eggs, yes. I will always swat them away from uncovered food.
Being annoyed is only one of the reasons for shying away flies but most times it would be waste of energy and attention.
Shit, I wouldn’t even notice them if they weren’t annoying me.
Yes, flies are disgusting little creatures. I don’t try to kill them but they will have no peace landing on or near me
I am always paranoid about having unknown wounds on my skin. Almost always chase it away, unless I really need to concentrate.
No I leave it alone of course. Why would I kill an animal because it’s near me?
I do kill mosquitos though because they bite me.
If it’s outside, I leave it alone. If it’s inside my home, I kill it immediately.