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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2024


  • A third, and hopefully final attempt at getting an iredmail setup going. SPF, DKIM & DMARC all checking out fine. It’s actually working this time. Need to get the ISP to change our PTR record though, last bit of the puzzle.

    Also picked up a used negate device, so we now have pfsense fronting everything. That’s allowed me to move the original router to a better location and put it in AP mode.

    Emby media server moved off a Synology and into a proxmox container. Finally, we can stream high def with the hardware acceleration we weren’t getting before.

  • Years ago, I’d laugh at this.

    Yet it slowly becomes reality with every passing year. It’s bad enough that we’ve essentially lost pay-to-own in favour of subscription models for a lot of popular software.

    On our corp network, the amount of GPOs I’ve had to mangle together just to make Win11 usable is insane. The users are still going to have a fit in October.

  • Main topic aside, what are you doing putting bread and butter together with a fork?

    All the small appliance suggestions so far are great - they remove a lot of the danger and give you an easy place to start. Same for the safety items. Even with no fear, it is sensible to have an extinguisher and fire blanket in the kitchen.

    When you feel that you are ready to start picking up knives and working with flame, do it with a friend or family member that is suitably understanding & willing to teach. Simply watching it done is still familiarising yourself with the process and hopefully reducing your fears.

    My sister is the same way - I am teaching her slowly. We started with baking, as all the prep work is done cold with only one heating process. Not exactly healthy, but it it gets the ball rolling on working with heat.