you didn’t ask him if he thinks for one fucking second that any of the shitheel CEO/executive suite trump fluffers he’s generating revenue for are working today?
you didn’t ask him if he thinks for one fucking second that any of the shitheel CEO/executive suite trump fluffers he’s generating revenue for are working today?
holy fucking shit and people give me the “you’re a bad person” side-eye when i tell them there is such an easy way to never deal with that bullshit ever
Native American Headdresses, mostly not okay.
funny how no one ever comments on using native words for our apache helicopters and tomahawk cruise missiles, among others
the songs i listened to on purpose in high school are still awesome. the songs i heard in high school because of radio or mtv or party or whatever are still just as shit as they were back then
i got kicked out of dennys once because i sat down and started eating the mcdonalds i brought
i’ll never stop being mystified by the fact that we have a 5 letter word that’s pronounced exactly the same as the first letter of the word
#6, except 9pm. getting shitfaced enough to make all the bad decisions before blacking out at dawn loses its luster after your 20s. by your 40s you’re just done with all that nonsense
you’re joking, but “choice paralysis” is a real thing and actually makes people feel worse about their choices than if they had fewer options to choose from yes it’s a ted talk, but from back before they turned to shit
me: fucking amazing, i love it!!
TB: that’s great! it’s discontinued… try [not even remotely comparable substitution] instead!
it wasn’t about the lithium that no one talks about though
ad hominem
questions about god, which is commonly defined as “perfect in every possible way” are irrelevant when it’s been demonstrated that god, by that definition, doesn’t exist
god didn’t “give” people emotions. people evolved that way
needing to resolve it
it’s not been resolved, despite millions of apologists dedicating their lives to the problem of evil for thousands of years
every discussion just ends up in “you need to have faith,” which literally just means “believe something to be true simply because you want it to be true, without any good reason.” and no, “because otherwise where did we come from” (god of the gaps–another fallacy that seems to be the best they can come up with) isn’t a good reason
going to look great with accumulated hand dirt spots and mold
i’m calling the police
former coworkers. everyone was like um wtf you can’t be serious when they announced it. and just like everyone predicted, the marriage lasted less than a year. severest case of “you don’t see red flags when you’re wearing rose colored glasses” i’ve ever seen
i went to a wedding once where the pastor took the whole hour-long ceremony to bash gayness
then the ‘reception’ was breakfast lol
followed by some lame “dating game” between the bride & groom vs the oldest couple in attendance
no booze, no music, no dancing
any future invitations are going in the trash if any of the above elements are going to be involved
! leaking