pretty much if a 4 panel grid seems nonsense/incomprehensible…it’s usually loss
pretty much if a 4 panel grid seems nonsense/incomprehensible…it’s usually loss
are we supposed to take breaks for that? TIL
that person sounds like an insufferable “i’m entitled to the world and everything in it” manbaby narcissist. no amount of money is worth having zero time away from work and destroying your mental health. fuck that
what the fuck are people actually paying for at this point
yes. from birth to death, americans are force-fed a steady diet of lies, distractions, american exceptionalism–on top of the guilt, fear, and shame pounded into their skulls by religion
i work at an academic library. not only are kids woefully unprepared for higher education, but they are coming into the world without even a grasp of how to think critically about the information they’re being presented with, let alone why
the comic is correct, for sure, but my point stands
it’s been too late for the “let’s all work together!!” approach for years
it is now the owner class, their nazi sheep supporters, and everyone who’s not in that club that they want to kill
holy shit i was playing the fuck out of supreme commander 1; never heard of the game, only played it because it came with my new GPU for free. i had been waiting for starcraft 2 for years and years and when it finally came out i was like wow…supreme commander was better…
+1 for both new wolfensteins. so rare for both the action and the story in a game to be top notch
i just started another playthrough of company of heroes 1; timeless nazi smashing RTS that’s aged surprisingly well
literally any job dealing with the general public is soul-destroying
! leaking
you didn’t ask him if he thinks for one fucking second that any of the shitheel CEO/executive suite trump fluffers he’s generating revenue for are working today?
holy fucking shit and people give me the “you’re a bad person” side-eye when i tell them there is such an easy way to never deal with that bullshit ever
Native American Headdresses, mostly not okay.
funny how no one ever comments on using native words for our apache helicopters and tomahawk cruise missiles, among others
the songs i listened to on purpose in high school are still awesome. the songs i heard in high school because of radio or mtv or party or whatever are still just as shit as they were back then
i got kicked out of dennys once because i sat down and started eating the mcdonalds i brought
i’ll never stop being mystified by the fact that we have a 5 letter word that’s pronounced exactly the same as the first letter of the word
#6, except 9pm. getting shitfaced enough to make all the bad decisions before blacking out at dawn loses its luster after your 20s. by your 40s you’re just done with all that nonsense
you’re joking, but “choice paralysis” is a real thing and actually makes people feel worse about their choices than if they had fewer options to choose from yes it’s a ted talk, but from back before they turned to shit
i’m still amazed every time i see shots of this game from 2018. everything else, even other great games, seem halfass by comparison