There are lots of choices, but personally I would go with Linux Mint as something likely familiar and packaged with pretty much all the basics for the use case you outlined.
There are lots of choices, but personally I would go with Linux Mint as something likely familiar and packaged with pretty much all the basics for the use case you outlined.
No, a software or hardware KVM lets you use the same keyboard and mouse across multiple devices.
Have a look at software KVMs, for a similar functionality.
A simple usb KVM should do the trick of easily switching between the two.
I use Resolve Studio, that gives you access to all Resolve features but it does not fix codec licensing issues at the Linux OS level.
Mention is made of Resolve, which does work great as a professional grade video editor, and in the next breath codec issues are raised, which are not a Linux issue but proprietary licensing issue.
For a simple workaround in Mint go to: /home/UserName/.local/share/nemo/scripts
Create 2 files to convert videos from the right click menu and make them executable in the Permissions:
for file; do ffmpeg -i “$file” -c:v dnxhd -profile:v dnxhr_hq -pix_fmt yuv422p -c:a pcm_s16le -f mov “${file%.*}”.mov
for file; do ffmpeg -i “$file” “${file}”.mp4
What is your actual personal use case, all you mention is a terminal, which every distro will support, likely with many different choices as to terminal options?
My guess would be to protect the the unaware from being tracked and exploited for profit, in other words sharing an idea without personal cost.
I appreciate the /s, the sad fact is that we don’t need AI to figure out a ‘solution’ for climate change, we already know how to do that, the issue is the lack of political will to curb emissions, which is not something AI can fix.