knowing how to program doesn’t mean u need to do things the hard way.
heck the whole point of programming is to make things easier and faster.
why the surprise? as long as people keep buying they will try to squize more money for less effort.
pack mentality + ego
especially here
Baldur’s Gate II
(honorable mention - Civ IV)
to me this looks like the most generic “Hollywood trailer” which is unfortunate but understandable.
TV shows/movies based on games are usually just a cash grab that play on people’s love of the source material, but maybe in wrong we’ll see.
I keep seeing firejail being recommended though, were the security flaws still not fixed?
u can use visual studio code instead of visual studio. about gaming - not that hard using wine+lutris, the future is here, we can install and run exe-s in linux!
only 63,284 left
mind sharing those communities?
if by “most trusted source on here” u mean “most biased news source that reddit/lemmy love to echo” then I totally agree
Fair enough.
Because u like to think me of as an idiot, or because u realize the community is becoming idiocracy itself?
Help me understand the joke.
By the upvotes/downvotes ratio I can guess the answer but that might indicates a brain between those two eyes and I do not want to risk it.
Not necessarily, but replying to days-weeks old topics feels a little pointless, maybe from my experience from reddit itself.
I can’t see how there will be growth without content and keeping existing users engaged?
Maybe i’m wrong and everyone in the comments that are so aggressively against the idea are right, hopefully.
I find the communities i’m most interested about extremely empty, about to respond to a post then I notice it was made weeks ago…
The lack of content and low userbase isn’t concerning?
I was also under the impression most people left because of decisions made by a certain Spazo guy, not because of the content on Reddit itself.
Lemmy: “we came to Lemmy to get away from Reddit”
Also Lemmy: “username checks out”
Like in real life, the people wanting to be in charge are usually the people who should not be in charge.
and despite that Israel is one of the most technologically advanced in the world. if anything, u should b impressed.