It is not at all like chrome other than it uses chromium which is not inherently bad, its just googles use of it in chrome that is.
You can turn off like 2 toggle buttons and see nothing related to crypto ever.
It is not at all like chrome other than it uses chromium which is not inherently bad, its just googles use of it in chrome that is.
You can turn off like 2 toggle buttons and see nothing related to crypto ever.
Yean chromium itself is not evil, its Google’s use of it in chrome that is evil, people confuse this a lot I think.
I am surprised by the lack of people mentioning brave, i swear it used to be mentioned everywhere.
Did something happen or did a newer better browser come out?
So far its only been a week and I’m starting to realize that I haven’t chosen a good spot to place food and should find a spot or feeder where I can have water and the food in a nice open part of the yard raised in the air a bit and hopefully in a spot I can aim a camera at. I was playing with dogfood and saw 1 juvenile crow only because I had set up a camera from a old phone, today I got some unshelled unsalted peanuts. I think to get the ball rolling better I need to go walk around and find some crows and lead them towards the house. I grabbed a old broke plant pot made of ceramic and broke the ceramic into small pieces so I can offer some shiny objects to the crows so maybe they either see the food better or take this as a gift and start connecting with my spot more. I don’t think I am on their normal route and we have a lot of other miscellaneous birds and dogs and cats and some small predator wild animals around and in a suburb so i don’t think it will be very easy to get them to come regularly, I was surprised to even get the one bird once.
I am trying to befriend crows right now so I agree with this haha
I think its just that people don’t like shoe horned female empowerment, idk what percentage of female lead content is that but it does detract a lot from the experience.
I remember one time thinking about how my grandpa didn’t learn this and other related skills as a kid the same way I did in school and so we understand our same language a totally different way, where I saw parts of words, he just saw a whole word.
I’d also suggest giving vesktop a try which is a 3rd party discord client, it has some features for fixing certain oddball things that may crop up as well as just various typical 3rd party client things like plugins.
Discord used to say nope to 3rd party clients but there was a change in their tos a few years ago where they are accepted and nearly encouraged.
This is the way
Hmm I don’t think I did, I think I am allowed to have a different perspective.
It is easier for marginalized people to point the flaws out and forget about it but I think it makes more sense to try to meet it with understanding and then moving on.
That is what combining multiple perspectives will do :)
I mean, sure its a problem, but it seems to be largely just about the one occurance of the problem.
Otherwise it seems like the bulk of the post and vaxrys response to that post are about how it was handled and idk if I would have handled it better if I was in that sort of situation.
When I went into the community briefly both on github and discord I was met with immense help to my problems with hyprland (which I now don’t use just because I realized I didn’t need to mess with window management)
If I recall vaxry is young and has some social nuance to learn, this doesn’t excuse behaviors but I can choose to accept a solid attempt at handling a wrongdoing.
Yes, I don’t think im required to express my interest that way haha
I always describe satisfactory as subnautica but about automating machinery like a tycoon game but with more reminiscent of portal. Needless to say its really fun!
Ah yes thankyou! That solved it, I haven’t messed with the settings at all on as far as I know so I think that must’ve been a default setting.
great video! helped me understand the peertube structure a lot more when i get sround to setting up peertube things ill make sure to subscribe to your admin chronicles channel
Thanks for recommending I’ll think about joining sounds pretty much like what I’m looking for
I never really was into spirituality much and then over time I noticed Buddhism kept bumping into me and kept explaining things in more and more straightforward ways over the years so eventually I caved in and looked into it more closely and decided to practice Tibetan Buddhism because it felt more closely related to my own personal experiences and interests…it can be tricky to understand at first until you understand how all the symbolism works and then a whole world of information was opened up to me and I feel better than ever.
Those early Tibetan Buddhists really got a lot of things right from the start and still today I see science research come out suggesting the same things they figured out long ago.
From what I can tell spirituality serves an important purpose in our lives and it is to keep us mentally healthy by whatever means we wish, the caveat here is that you don’t misinterpret messages and fall into bad negative paths.