I like to move it, move it.
I like to move it, move it.
Posted by Knocturnum? Of Knockturn Alley? This is blatant self-promotion.
30 below expected? What was expected?
Chuck Norris, DDS.
By right, to get the most out of MoCA, anybody wanting to use it should do themselves a favor and spend 10 minutes reading about where to place the filters and why some of the decades-old coax splitters in their house should be replaced first. And maybe try to map out how the coax is already running, if they can see it.
Don’t pull up that coax man. If it’s good, you can use MoCA. Some cable modems even have a MoCA bridge built-in.
Oh, cool, I didn’t know my old roommate was on Lemmy.
They were asking for it. Did you see what they were wearing?
Guessing he got engaged.
I’ve got a shy bladder, a wife, and plenty of weed gummys.
I’ll take the purple pill. Took forever to potty train my youngest and that seems like a useful skill.
I’d probably use it whenever I get road rage. Oh, you wanna cut me off? Fuck you. Shit your pants.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the ads were reasonably placed.
Don’t target people who come in from another domain or on the first viewed video. Pre- roll ads after that. Most importantly, ad breaks at creator-defined times only. Sick of ads coming in at arbitrary times in the middle of a sentence. That’s the worst part of it, IMO.
Oh and a time limit on ads. That has to happen too.
Also could somebody tell all the streaming companies that they know what language I watch all my videos in and to stop giving me Spanish language ads? Like, I got no problem with other languages, I just really feel like you’re wasting your advertisers money showing them to people who don’t know a quesadilla from a carton of pickles.
My kid probably got pretty close to that number. He’s fine.
Good kid. He’s got my wife’s eyes and my eating disorder.
Gen X and especially millennials are the first ones to be mostly raised by two working parents. We’ve been fucked since we left the womb.
Boomers: Stay at home moms were the norm.
Before that, huge families and “it takes a village”
Nowadays, it takes three jobs to be able to afford daycare.
They wouldn’t have to if Musk would just accept LIDAR.
Who controls the present now controls the past.
Every day at 16:20, xeyes
turns red.
That’s what we really need.
Say what you will about the founders. Even they were bourgeoisie and slavers…they still could provide more energy than a god damn Dyson Sphere if we could harness the centrifugal force of them spinning in their graves.