I never really liked eggs.
Until my wife came home with a bunch of chickens.
Now I love eggs. And I have far more than I know what to do with, so we’ve been gifting a lot of eggs.
I never really liked eggs.
Until my wife came home with a bunch of chickens.
Now I love eggs. And I have far more than I know what to do with, so we’ve been gifting a lot of eggs.
Isnt zsh
the default macos shell?
Well. Yeah, if you want to learn the shiniest new features, you’ll need the shiniest new references.
But for a new user, for whom Python is probably one of the first languages they learn, a 3.8 reference won’t give them much trouble for a while.
I say this as a novice Python user tho.
Has python changed that much for a new learner that a 3.8 tutorial is worthless in 3.13?
I don’t think so…there’s new features that wouldn’t be taught, but most everything from Hello World to decorators and lambdas were present in both.
Now, if you have a python 2 guide…yeah. That’s worthless. That shows its flaws during “Hello World”.
Well, killing billionaires is taxing the rich, just in a roundabout way and with a little bit of class-eugenics sprinkled on top.
At least as long as we have estate taxes. And until some next-of-kin decides to liquidate everything and give to charity.
Yeah bro sorry my subway already ran twenty minutes late and I wanna catch this train so I can see my kids before they go to bed.
You keep being a dick.
The reason to use the escalators when you’re in a hurry is because it’s twice as fast if you walk up them.
If you want to take the escalators to be lazy, that’s fine…stay to the right and out of my way. Same rules as the highway. Not complicated.
How fucking entitled are you that you “hate the concept of escalator etiquette” and you think it’s acceptable to not let people pass you? Were you a bollard in a former life?
NGL when I commuted on train/subway, my fat ass would take the stairs nearly everytime.
Not because it’s healthier, but because all the other fatasses on the already-too-narrow escalator have absolutely no concept of escalator etiquette, and I got a fucking train to catch because our subway ran 20 minutes late.
Yeah, it’s a scary word.
I get the hate for it, especially around resource use, and it’s overuse everywhere. But it’s still the early days and it’s certainly going to evolve. I imagine if people were as environmentally conscious in the 60s, they’d be up in arms about rooms full of hot glowing tubes doing arithmetic. Eventually, though, they got to be far less resource intensive.
Also the AI response is default behavior in Brave search…and many other searches. For me, Brave has probably been the best of the bunch, but that’s not exactly a high bar.
Are you talking about AI or Republicans, because that could go either way.
And it’s the default behavior in Brave search.
They don’t hallucinate, they just believe everything they read on the internet. They are basically Republicans.
This…checks out.
Have you done a brave search recently? It automatically tries to answer.
It’s actually been surprisingly good for me. Better than Google, at least. But it’s not a choice on his part, it’s default behavior.
Holy shit.
He’s at -22 right now, and you at +41.
He obviously isn’t trusting the AI, he’s asking here to verify it since he couldn’t find any first-hand information to contradict it.
Lemmy is already getting to be more fucking toxic than reddit. JFC.
The legislative holds the power to impeach presidents and judges.
But that’ll only happen if enough Republicans grow a spine.
Whoa now, that’s a bit reactionary.
The reason for the shit show is that it’s all based on good faith. And if a power hungry dictator tries to control the executive…well, the legislative is supposed to keep him in check.
It’s also based on the presumption that the people wouldn’t willingly elect, let alone re-elect, a blatantly corrupt president and Congress that enables them…or at least have few enough bad ones to be able to break party lines and put a stop to it.
Ideally, enough Republicans on Congress would have enough of a spine to actually put country before party and stop this shit. Start impeaching judges and presidents. Don’t let anything else get done.
Nope. They all sold out on their party. Fucking despicable. Not even worth spitting on.
I can’t wait till someone spills the beans on whatever kompromat or bribes or imperius curse has got such a tight grip on the party.
Rare cards are only worth real money because there is a secondary market for them.
As I understand it, the same is true for lootbox drops. The only difference is in how rare an item actually is, but that is also reflected in price, since the resale is entirely market driven.
You could say that Valve rigs the drop rate, but you could say the same thing for Magic. It’s all manufactured shortage.
You could say that Magic items are tangible…but honestly I don’t see how that’s an argument in the modern digital-first era.
I’m not trying to defend lootboxes…not directly, at least. Just trying to understand the hypocrisy in the gaming community comparing these two.
I get the hate for lootboxes, but as a casual who hasn’t played PC games in forever…what makes the lootbox mechanic any worse than CCGs?
Couldn’t it be said that MtG and other CCGs have been guilty of the exact same thing since their inception?
You can take my kids out of the count. I haven’t gotten 4 minutes of silence since they were born.
My wife has a tattoo booked today and I just went out to the local mom&pop farm store and bought some chicken food.