Only one I’d give Paradox any money for at this point! lmao
🇨🇦 Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Pirate. Eldritch Cultist & Discordian. Polite but says cunt like an Australian. LGBTQ+ Friendly. Punches Nazi’s. Loves tits. 90s/00s Nostalgia Lover. Halloween Fiend. Talks about weird stuff. Go me? Fnord.
Only one I’d give Paradox any money for at this point! lmao
Hell, their first sentence fragment isn’t even always true lmao
Been a bit but I think the one I was more hyped for was Paralives (which you’d expect to be the one from paradox given the name lmao)
Paradox’s Sim game was the least I was looking forward to of the upcoming Sims spiritual successors, ya know, cause it’s Paradox…
…but still, fuck.
I used to in the past (back when it was much more common to peruse /b/ and have kiddie porn slapped right in your eyeballs at a moment’s notice…not that its probably changed much over the years lol). Now-a-days I just use it for the torrent board since I’m a data hoarder and they throw up the occasional interesting collection of stuff.
But do you as that person need to know that fact every time you launch the game or is finding out about it before you buy it from it’s technical information sufficient?
You can care about surround sound options, but a non skippable splash screen on every launch gives you zero information or use.
Of course, a lot of people will disagree with this approach
There is not a single person here who is going to talk you out of leaving lmao, whether you stay or go affects no one but you. That being said, you’re a teen and you’re choosing to leave a social media platform due to mental health reasons. That’s quite far from being a bad thing. You’re doing what’s best for you and that’s good shit. You’ve matured further than you think.
Every Lemmy account will have a Delete Account option located at the bottom of the main page of your settings, not sure if it’s automated or if an admin has to go in to clear em out manually, but trigger it, log out and you’re set!
DCSS has been one of my automatic installs on any PC I have for years now.
Need more details. What are you watching when it happens? Or are you saying if you watch CSI, Sesame Street and a David Attenborough documentary about ants back to back you’d get light-headed 3 times, once during each?
As ValiantDust said it could just be motion sickness depending what it is you’re watching.
I see eldritch themes, I’m down!
Rooster Teeth was a shell of itself for a long time, but those first few seasons of Red vs Blue were a fundamental part of my damn teenage years.
A non-existent magazine suits my looks so that works out perfectly!
That’s what I did over on kbin. I’m responsible for posting 95+% of pro wrestling news on Lemmy/kbin, and another person sets up most of the discussions. The community wasn’t picking up speed back during the early redditpocalypse. Now we’re getting tons of activity.
The irony.